The BIG TUESDAY PICKET, picketing next week, and all members’ meeting on Weds
UCU talks at ACAS with the employers are continuing. The pressure we’ve been exerting with our strikes and picket lines brought the employers back to the negotiating table. Now we need to keep the pressure up to get a fair settlement.
We’re on strike for three days next week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 21-23 February.
Please note that on these days we’ll be picketing exclusively at the de Havilland campus: main entrance at junction with Mosquito Way.
The BIG Tuesday picket 21 February 9 to 11am at de Havilland campus

We’re encouraging all members to make next Tuesday’s picket the BIG one. If you haven’t joined us on the picket line yet, please join us for the BIG Tuesday one. Or if you’re planning to join a picket next week, then make it the BIG Tuesday one.
The atmosphere’s fantastic. The camaraderie’s second to none. And it’s all for a great cause – our pay and working conditions and the future of university education!
Wednesday and Thursday pickets 22 and 23 February 9-11:00am at de Havilland campus
Please let us know if you can join us by emailing
We can’t leave you without a photo of our wonderful College Lane picket on a very misty Tuesday morning this week. See you at de Havilland next week!

In solidarity
Keith Seed
UHUCU President
Dragan Plavsic
UHUCU Secretary
All members’ meeting
All members meeting next week Wednesday 22 February at 2pm
zoom link has been sent by email.
All members are invited to discuss a number of key issues:
- > the national strike action,
- > the reballot UCU has called,
- > the latest on our own London Fringe Allowance negotiations with UH.
Please make time to attend if you possibly can to have your say.