Join UCU
Join UCU online today: www.ucu.org.uk/join
Subscription rate
The monthly subscription rate for UCU membership consists of two elements:
- the National Subscription (dependent on salary)
- plus a local subscription (dependent on salary)
We have revised the local subscription so that members on lower pay grades now pay less. As agreed at the AGM on 3 July, the local subscriptions for 2023-24 are as follows:
Gross earnings local subs per month
F0 £60,000 & above £4.15
F1 £40,000 – £59,999 £3.60
F2 £30,000 – £39,999 £3.25
F3 £22,000 – £29,999 £2.85
F4 £15,000 – £21,999 £2.00
F5 £5,000 – £14,999 £1.70
F6 Below £5,000 £1.40
Student and Postgraduate membership
If you are an enrolled PhD student who is also contracted to teach at the higher education institution at which you are registered for your PhD studies, we offer free membership for up to four years. Standard Free membership is not designed for existing staff who subsequently register for a PhD where they work.
FAQs about joining UCU
Find your answer on UCU’s FAQ page.

Become a School Rep, Caseworker, or a Committee Member:
You are the Union. We cannot run without the time and expertise of our reps and branch committee. We are always looking for active members to help build our union.
We especially need more School reps and caseworkers. Full training provided.
Email ucu or one of our officers – go to the list on Contact Us page – if you’re interested in becoming a Rep for your School, becoming a caseworker, or joining our branch committee.
See what we do at our regular All Members’ Meetings.
Why join UCU?
Benefits of membership:
Your voice is heard and you can make a difference. You are the Union.
Negotiation with the University about your working conditions.
Members of UCU at UH negotiate directly with the University regarding your terms and conditions of employment.
Support if you have a problem connected with your work
One of the main benefits of belonging to UCU is that, if a difficult situation arises at work, individually or collectively, we can help by giving advice, support and representation. You need to be a member of UCU before we can help.
Personal support through the Education Support Partnership
Counselling, support, financial assistance and more available to members through Education Support Partnership.